Trademark Registration with Experts"

13 Years+ Of Experience in Registering Trademarks All Over India.

Register Your Trademark !

Easy Filing Process

1. Free Consultation

2.Trademark Search

3. Application Filing

4. Use The Symbol


 A unique identity is essential to set a brand apart from its competitors. Trademarks play a crucial role in protecting the distinctive features of a brand, such as its name, logo, or slogan. In India, trademarks are governed by the Trade Marks Act, of 1999, and the validity of a registered trademark is of utmost importance for maintaining its exclusivity and safeguarding the brand’s reputation. So let’s understand the validity of trademark registration step-by-step.



A trademark is a symbol, word, phrase, design, or combination thereof that distinguishes the goods or services of one entity from those of others. It acts as an intellectual property right and ensures that consumers can easily recognize and trust products or services associated with a specific brand.

The importance of a trademark lies in its ability to:

  1. Build Brand Recognition: A unique and well-recognized trademark helps establish a brand’s identity in the market, making it easier for consumers to identify and trust products or services associated with that brand.
  2. Prevent Unfair Competition: Trademarks protect businesses from unauthorized use of their brand elements by competitors, preventing consumer confusion and safeguarding the reputation of the brand.
  3. Enhance Marketability: A registered trademark adds value to a business, making it more attractive to investors and potential partners.


Initial Validity Period

In India, a registered trademark is initially valid for a period of ten years from the date of filing the application. This means that the brand owner has exclusive rights over the trademark and can take legal action against anyone using it without permission.

Renewal Process

After the initial ten-year validity period, the trademark owner must renew the registration to maintain its exclusivity. The renewal application can be filed six months before the expiry date or within a grace period of six months after the expiry date.

Grace Period for Renewal

The grace period allows brand owners to renew their trademarks even after the expiration of the initial ten-year period. However, a late renewal fee is applicable for renewals filed during the grace period.


Failure to renew a trademark within the grace period may lead to the removal of the trademark from the register. Consequently, the brand owner loses all exclusive rights associated with the mark, and it becomes available for others to use or register.


Trademark renewal offers numerous benefits for brand owners:

  1. Continued Exclusivity: Renewing the trademark ensures the brand retains its exclusive rights, protecting it from unauthorized use by competitors.
  2. Brand Protection: Renewed trademarks discourage others from using similar marks, reducing the risk of brand dilution or confusion in the market.
  3. Safeguarding Investments: Renewing a well-established trademark protects the brand’s goodwill and preserves the investments made in marketing and advertising.


If a trademark registration is removed due to non-renewal, it may still be restored within one year from the expiration date. To restore a trademark, the applicant must provide a valid reason for the delay in renewal and pay the requisite fees.


Maintaining trademark protection involves more than just renewal. To ensure the continued strength and validity of a trademark, brand owners should:

  1. Monitor the Market: Regularly monitor the market for potential infringements or unauthorized use of the trademark.
  2. Defend Against Infringements: Take appropriate legal action against parties infringing on the trademark rights.
  3. Use the Trademark: Consistent and proper usage of the trademark strengthens its protection and helps establish its distinctiveness in the market.
  4. Keep Records: Maintain detailed records of the trademark’s usage, renewal dates, and any legal actions taken to protect it.


Understanding the Trademark registration validity is an essential aspect for brand owners to safeguard their intellectual property and maintain their unique identity in the market. Registering a trademark provides exclusive rights for a ten-year period, and renewal ensures the brand’s continued protection. Failing to renew a trademark can lead to its removal from the register, and risks the brand’s reputation and investments. Therefore, brand owners must remain active and follow the renewal process diligently to enjoy long-term benefits and brand recognition.

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A Trademark is a type of Intellectual Property that protects names and other marks associated with a particular product or company. Trademark can be wordmark, logo, combination of letters and numerals, shape of goods, packaging, or combination of colors or any combination thereof which identifies products or services of a particular source from others. A trademark owner can be an individual, firm, company, society or any legal entity. A trademark may be located on a package, a label, on Invoice or on the product itself.


A good trademark is one which is distinct, unique and not similar to any other trademark. Invented and coined words are generally safe. It is not advisable to adopt geographical name, personal name, surname or name which is descriptive of the goods.


A trademark can be applied by individual, firm, company, and other legal entity.


there is no fixed time, if the trademark is not objected then registration takes place within 6 months.


the registered Proprietor of a trademark can sue other for infringement, passing off, compensation for violation of reputation and goodwill.


For 10 years, after that it has to be renewed.


the trademark which is maintained digitally, contain every details like application number, class, filing date, user date, trade name, proprietor details, goods details, expiry date,. attorney details etc

Yes, by filing TM-M with requisite fees.

For each class one trademark application is filed.

yes, but is should be used within such period not exceeding 6 months.

Yes, We do trademark registration in guwahati & all over India.