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After completion of trademark filing, an application number is assigned to the applicant. If the applicant is filed online, application number is assigned within 1-2 days, but if the application is filed offline, assignment of trademark application number takes 5-7 days.
Trademark registration numbers are unique seven-digit numbers assigned by the Trademark office to all granted trademark applications. A trademark registration number looks like this: 5123247
The trademark application number is very crucial as all future activities takes place by reference to the application number. Applicant can use application number to check and monitor their trademark application’s progress and identify submissions that relate to their application.
In India, there is no difference in the application and registration number. The application number that is assigned at the time of filing trademark application, the same application number subsequently becomes the trademark registration number and is mentioned in the registration certificate with a seven digit number e.g. 5123247.
When a trademark application is granted, the Trademark Office generates a registration certificate that includes the trademark registration number represented by unique seven digit numbers.
Trademark registration number signify that a trademark is registered with Intellectual Property India. Once the Trademark department has assigned a registration number, a trademark owner is legally permitted to use the ® symbol. Only a registered trademark owner can use the ® trademark symbol. It is against the law to use the ® symbol before you receive a registration certificate. Moreover the trademark registered owner can take legal action against person who uses the same brand and thus can protect the goodwill and reputation of the registered trademark brand.
When a company or an individual registers a brand name, logo etc. with the Intellectual Property, India, they receive one unique application number, which subsequently on obtaining registration becomes the trademark registration number and is a seven digit number. There is no difference between the application and trademark registration number in India. While the application number is a proof that a trademark application is pending in the Trademark Registry of competent jurisdiction in India, while registration certificate is a proof that your trademark has been officially registered.
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FAQs on Trademark Registration
A Trademark is a type of Intellectual Property that protects names and other marks associated with a particular product or company. Trademark can be wordmark, logo, combination of letters and numerals, shape of goods, packaging, or combination of colors or any combination thereof which identifies products or services of a particular source from others. A trademark owner can be an individual, firm, company, society or any legal entity. A trademark may be located on a package, a label, on Invoice or on the product itself.
A good trademark is one which is distinct, unique and not similar to any other trademark. Invented and coined words are generally safe. It is not advisable to adopt geographical name, personal name, surname or name which is descriptive of the goods.
A trademark can be applied by individual, firm, company, and other legal entity.
there is no fixed time, if the trademark is not objected then registration takes place within 6 months.